Autor: Milan Mareš (UTIA, AV ČR)
Text vyšel 23.3.2001 v MF DNES, a mne tehdy tak
oslovil, že jej zde přetiskuji, ač nemám souhlas ani
autora, ani vydavatele. Věřím v jejich shovívavost.
Každý z nás občas potřebuje vytvořit si v hlavě nebo na papíře nějaký obraz kousku světa a na něm si vyřešit problémy, kteté mu vrtají v hlavě. Čas od času to může mít i něco společného s matematikou.
Když chceme vědět, kolik bude stát koberec, zjistíme si délku a šířku pokoje a cenu koberce a pokoje a cenu koberce a několika násobeními se dozvíme cifru, která nás zajímá. Dvě čísla (délka a šířka) jen málo připomínají obývák, a přesto pro daný účel stačí. On totiž matematický popis (budeme mu říkat model) vůbec nemusí být podobný reálnému životu.
Podobně fyzika, přesněji mechanika, umí dobře popsat svět tím, že popisuje hmotné body (které v realitě neexistují), prostředí bez gravitace (neexistuje), ideální vzduchoprázdno (neexistuje), ideálně tuhé nebo pružné těleso (také neexistují). Mechanika hodně užívá diferenciální počet, založený ne představě, že čím menší kousek světa pozorujeme, tím je vše rovnější, hladší a plynulejší. Až moderní kvantová fyzika ukázala, že skutečnost je právě opačná. Nejlepší na celé věci je, že ono to všechno s těmi hmotnými body a ideálně pružnými tělesy funguje. Podle takto získaných zákonů mechaniky se točí turbíny a létají raketoplány (a existují!).
Ovšem zatím nebyl vytvořen přesný matematický model žebřiňáku, který se natřásá, když přejíždí kameny na polní cestě, a nejspíš nikdy vytvořen nebude - nestojí to za tu práci a ani ho nikdo nepotřebuje. A i kdyby se to třeba nakrásně povedlo, v tom zcela přesném popisu by se nakonec ani ten žebřiňák v úvozu nedal pořádně poznat.
Ideálem dobrého popisu světa totiž nemůže být dokonalost do všech podrobností, ale důraz na to podstatné, co věci a děje pořádně charakterizuje. Platí to ve fyzice i v ekonomii, ale patrně i v umění a v životě vůbec.
Snad v nás zkušenost matematických modelů fyzikálního světa podpoří názor, že pro poznání našeho okolí i nás samých není možné ztrácet čas a síly popisem detailů - kamenů pod koly žebřiňáku. Důležité je nacházet to podstatné, ony hmotné body, i když jsou tak obecné, že je ani nelze najít v hmatatelném světě. Je to ale to, co nakonec posílá naše soukromé raketoplány do vesmíru. Pokud to dokážeme správně rozeznat a pojmenovat.
neděle 13. ledna 2008
pátek 11. ledna 2008
Mouth Eyes pictures

Z popisku soutěže: When it comes to horror images, one of the most disturbing depictions of human face is with mouths in the place of eyes - such illustrations are favorite of many horror books.
pátek 4. ledna 2008
I'm a Modern Man
George Carlin, November 5th, 2005
Beacon Theater, NYC
I'm a modern man,
A man for the millennium,
Digital and smoke free.
A diversified multicultural postmodern deconstructionist,
Politically anatomically and ecologically incorrect.
I've been uplinked and downloaded.
I've been inputted and outsourced.
I know the upside of downsizing.
I know the downside of upgrading.
I'm a high tech lowlife.
A cutting edge state-of-the-art bicoastal multitasker,
And I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.
I'm new wave but I'm old school,
And my inner child is outward bound.
I'm a hot wired heat seeking warm hearted cool customer,
Voice activated and biodegradable.
I interface from a database,
And my database is in cyberspace,
So I'm interactive,
I'm hyperactive,
And from time-to-time,
I'm radioactive.
Behind the eight ball,
Ahead of the curve,
Riding the wave,
Dodging a bullet,
Pushing the envelope.
I'm on point,
On task,
On message,
And off drugs.
I got no need for coke and speed,
I got no urge to binge and purge.
I'm in the moment,
On the edge,
Over the top,
But under the radar.
A high concept,
Low profile,
Medium range ballistic missionary.
A street-wise smart bomb.
A top gun bottom feeder.
I wear power ties,
I tell power lies,
I take power naps,
I run victory laps.
I'm a totally ongoing bigfoot slam dunk rainmaker with a proactive outreach.
A raging workaholic.
A working ragaholic.
Out of rehab,
And in denial.
I got a personal trainer,
A personal shopper,
A personal assistant,
And a personal agenda.
You can't shut me up,
You can't dumb me down.
'Cause I'm tireless,
And I'm wireless.
I'm an alpha male on beta blockers.
I'm a non-believer and an over-achiever.
Laid back but fashion forward.
Up front,
Down home,
Low rent,
High maintenance.
Super size,
Long lasting,
High definition,
Fast acting,
Oven ready,
And built to last.
I'm a hands on,
Foot loose,
Knee jerk,
Head case.
Prematurely post traumatic,
And I have a love child who sends me hate mail.
But I'm feeling,
I'm caring,
I'm healing,
I'm sharing.
A supportive bonding nurturing primary care giver.
My output is down,
But my income is up.
I take a short position on the long bond,
And my revenue stream has its own cash flow.
I read junk mail,
I eat junk food,
I buy junk bonds,
I watch trash sports.
I'm gender specific,
Capital intensive,
User friendly,
And lactose intolerant.
I like rough sex.
I like rough sex.
I like tough love.
I use the f word in my email,
And the software on my hard drive is hard core, no soft porn.
I bought a microwave at a mini mall.
I bought a mini van in a mega store.
I eat fast food in the slow lane.
I'm toll free,
Bite sized,
Ready to wear,
And I come in all sizes.
A fully equipped,
Factory authorized,
Hospital tested,
Clinically proven,
Scientifically formulated medical miracle.
I've been pre-washed,
And I have an unlimited broadband capacity.
I'm a rude dude,
But I'm the real deal.
Lean and mean.
Cocked, locked and ready to rock.
Rough tough and hard to bluff.
I take it slow.
I go with the flow.
I ride with the tide.
I got glide in my stride.
Drivin' and movin',
Sailin' and spinnin',
Jivin' and groovin',
Wailin' and winnin'.
I don't snooze,
So I don't lose.
I keep the pedal to the metal,
And the rubber on the road.
I party hearty,
And lunch time is crunch time.
I'm hanging in,
There ain't no doubt.
And I'm hanging tough,
Over and out.
Beacon Theater, NYC
I'm a modern man,
A man for the millennium,
Digital and smoke free.
A diversified multicultural postmodern deconstructionist,
Politically anatomically and ecologically incorrect.
I've been uplinked and downloaded.
I've been inputted and outsourced.
I know the upside of downsizing.
I know the downside of upgrading.
I'm a high tech lowlife.
A cutting edge state-of-the-art bicoastal multitasker,
And I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond.
I'm new wave but I'm old school,
And my inner child is outward bound.
I'm a hot wired heat seeking warm hearted cool customer,
Voice activated and biodegradable.
I interface from a database,
And my database is in cyberspace,
So I'm interactive,
I'm hyperactive,
And from time-to-time,
I'm radioactive.
Behind the eight ball,
Ahead of the curve,
Riding the wave,
Dodging a bullet,
Pushing the envelope.
I'm on point,
On task,
On message,
And off drugs.
I got no need for coke and speed,
I got no urge to binge and purge.
I'm in the moment,
On the edge,
Over the top,
But under the radar.
A high concept,
Low profile,
Medium range ballistic missionary.
A street-wise smart bomb.
A top gun bottom feeder.
I wear power ties,
I tell power lies,
I take power naps,
I run victory laps.
I'm a totally ongoing bigfoot slam dunk rainmaker with a proactive outreach.
A raging workaholic.
A working ragaholic.
Out of rehab,
And in denial.
I got a personal trainer,
A personal shopper,
A personal assistant,
And a personal agenda.
You can't shut me up,
You can't dumb me down.
'Cause I'm tireless,
And I'm wireless.
I'm an alpha male on beta blockers.
I'm a non-believer and an over-achiever.
Laid back but fashion forward.
Up front,
Down home,
Low rent,
High maintenance.
Super size,
Long lasting,
High definition,
Fast acting,
Oven ready,
And built to last.
I'm a hands on,
Foot loose,
Knee jerk,
Head case.
Prematurely post traumatic,
And I have a love child who sends me hate mail.
But I'm feeling,
I'm caring,
I'm healing,
I'm sharing.
A supportive bonding nurturing primary care giver.
My output is down,
But my income is up.
I take a short position on the long bond,
And my revenue stream has its own cash flow.
I read junk mail,
I eat junk food,
I buy junk bonds,
I watch trash sports.
I'm gender specific,
Capital intensive,
User friendly,
And lactose intolerant.
I like rough sex.
I like rough sex.
I like tough love.
I use the f word in my email,
And the software on my hard drive is hard core, no soft porn.
I bought a microwave at a mini mall.
I bought a mini van in a mega store.
I eat fast food in the slow lane.
I'm toll free,
Bite sized,
Ready to wear,
And I come in all sizes.
A fully equipped,
Factory authorized,
Hospital tested,
Clinically proven,
Scientifically formulated medical miracle.
I've been pre-washed,
And I have an unlimited broadband capacity.
I'm a rude dude,
But I'm the real deal.
Lean and mean.
Cocked, locked and ready to rock.
Rough tough and hard to bluff.
I take it slow.
I go with the flow.
I ride with the tide.
I got glide in my stride.
Drivin' and movin',
Sailin' and spinnin',
Jivin' and groovin',
Wailin' and winnin'.
I don't snooze,
So I don't lose.
I keep the pedal to the metal,
And the rubber on the road.
I party hearty,
And lunch time is crunch time.
I'm hanging in,
There ain't no doubt.
And I'm hanging tough,
Over and out.
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